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Four Reasons Yoda Failed as a CEO
If you work in or near the technology sector, you'll inevitably have had someone at some point exclaim "Do or do not, there is no try!"...

Silos are bad for business, but "Hero-Silos" are fatal
"Hero-Silos" form when we publicly elevate the importance of one business function far above its peers. The frequent outcome is to...

Recruitment Moneyball: How to stop hiring the wrong senior people
Why do so many senior hiring decisions later turn out badly? Although it's tempting to pin the failure on the candidate, it’s really our...

The best leaders know when to be led
…the Commodore on the quarter-deck gets his atmosphere at second hand from the sailors on the forecastle. He thinks he breathes it first;...

Strength through Maternity: Why the right attitude to maternity dramatically improves company perfor
A company's attitude to maternity is far more important than its policy.
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